Director’s Welcome
From the CEO/Head of School
Welcome to The Island School! Whether you’re learning about our organization for the first time, or checking back in after a few years, there is always something new to learn from our community. Now, more than ever before, our mission of leadership effecting change and the collective impact of our work in research, conservation, and education sit on a global stage. We are a non-profit organization committed to creating an intersection between education, research, conservation, and community engagement to innovate and demonstrate how to live well. The Island School serves as a catalyst in the global transition to a more livable future and we invite you to partner with us to create positive change.
As climate change, sustainability, and important issues of equity and belonging rise to the forefront among governments, communities, and business leaders, we know that our work is essential. Alongside these global challenges, the dialogue around education and shift toward increasingly progressive and impactful models continues to evolve and grow.
If you are fortunate enough to visit our campus in person, you will see a lively, collaborative community with students, ages 3 – PhD, working alongside professional scientists, engineers, educators, farmers, and researchers. You will see a lived experience, one where education takes place in the form of real work, and sustainability is not a concept, but an ongoing endeavor.
I sincerely hope that our website will inspire you to become a part of this conversation. Whether applying to a Semester or Summer Term, interested in enrolling your child in our elementary or middle school, registering your school for a Visiting Program, considering the Cape Eleuthera Institute as a site for your graduate research, reaching out to us about a partnership opportunity, or making a gift to support our work through the Cape Eleuthera Foundation, The Island School is here to change the world, and change the way we educate our future leaders.

Ben Dougherty
CEO & Head of School