Apply Now
Apply to Deep Creek Middle School
Registration for the 2025-2026 academic year is now open! Thank you to all of the families and students who have applied. Prospective families and students who applied will be contacted at the end of April to set up a campus visit. Please see the timeline below. Please note for future academic years that our admissions process opens from January through the end of March each year.
STEP 1: Research
Get to know our school and organization by exploring our website.

Step 2: Submit an Inquiry Form
Thank you for your interest in our school! Please complete our Inquiry Form indicating your child’s name, age, and contact details. A team member will reach out to you once received.
Click the arrow to begin!

Step 3: Apply
As the next step, complete an application form shared once you have submitted your Inquiry Form. This includes:
- -Basic student information, school experience to date, and any special needs
- -Student portion to be filled by the applicant student
- -Documentation from your child’s current school in support of your application

Step 4: Review of Application
You will be notified if your child is invited to our next step – student and family interview.

Step 5: Admissions Interview and Academic Evaluation
You and your child will be required to complete the following during an in person visit:
Parent: Interview with DCMS admissions team member.
Child: An evaluation in both English and Math and an in-person interview with an admissions team member
You will be notified if your child is invited to our next step – admissions day visit.

Step 6: Candidate Visit Day
This is a full day selection process for students who are ready and passionate about joining DCMS. Students will participate with the other applicants in a variety of activities typical of our school’s experiential and Eco based program. Applicants should come with a knowledge of our Green Flag status which can be researched through the Island School website.

Please Note
Each applicant is responsible for ensuring all information is submitted and correct. Incomplete applications will not be considered. You will be contacted to arrange a Family Interview with the principal. Your child’s application will not be considered complete without this interview. Students will be evaluated based on their complete application. We are looking to build a cohesive and diverse class of students who are a good match for our school’s mission.