Student Life

An Active, Fun-Filled
Student Life

Deep Creek Middle School students are encouraged to try new things and join in wherever possible. To that end, DCMS offers a number of ways for students to get involved and enjoy time away from studies with their classmates and teachers. Student life activities include advisory parties, sports teams, Junkanoo, seasonal events, and more.

A Day in the Life of Deep Creek Middle School

As a smaller school, Deep Creek Middle School has the ability to be flexible with our schedule and after-school opportunities. Morning classes may be longer than afternoon classes and the schedule is periodically rearranged for special events. In the event that DCMS utilizes a virtual learning program, an alternative schedule will be provided.

Our week begins with Morning Circle, as staff and students gather together around the flagpole. Student leaders from each grade lead the group in the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Lord’s Prayer, followed by a time for announcements, recognitions, and celebrations. Morning Circle ends with a student-selected thought-provoking quote to guide our week.

A typical schedule for a school day on the DCMS campus is as follows:

Most students arrive on the school bus from their various settlements. Some students come from as far away as Governor’s Harbour, taking at least 1½ hours to travel each way.


The School Day Begins
On Monday and Friday mornings we begin with a circle or assembly led by student leaders called Caciques. Caciques are elected by teachers and serve for three weeks.


Morning Class Block
Students have daily classes in Math and English. In addition, they have Science and Social Studies four periods per week.


Students take a break from classes to eat a snack and play games. The school provides healthy snack options free of charge for students everyday. Students only need to bring a reusable container.


Mid Morning Class


Quiet Reading
Everyday during this time the whole school pauses for reading. Some students read independently while others are involved in book clubs. Students who need support also receive reading intervention during this time.


Students sit for lunch with their teachers then dart off to play. The current game of choice for many students is four-sqaure. Even teachers get involved in the fun.


Afternoon Class Block
Depending on the day, afternoons can look very different. Some days students continue their academic classes such as English or Science. Other days students might participate in clubs or have an advisory session. And other afternoons, depending on grade level, students might have PE, sailing or swimming, or work on their SCUBA certification.


After School Programming
DCMS offers a variety of afterschool activities such as sports, Open Learning Center, Choir, and other enrichment activities.


After School Sports

All students at DCMS are encouraged to be physically active. Throughout the year, students practice after school to learn the skills and strategies of a variety of sports and build their physical talents. A special emphasis is put on teamwork, sportsmanship, and lifelong physical activity.

Junior Junkanoo

Junkanoo is a distinctly Bahamian cultural event involving music, dance, and colorful handmade costumes. All fall, communities come together to prepare for the Boxing Day or New Year’s Day rush. A rush involves a parade of colorful costumes created within specific parameters; intricately choreographed dances; and the rhythmic sounds of cowbells, drums, horns, and whistles. At Deep Creek Middle School, the students compete in the all-island Junior Junkanoo rush in late January. Students work together to create the theme; choreograph the dance; make the cardboard, wire, and paper costumes; and practice for their performance.

The Island School Stories

Having worked in the government school system for 16 years before I joined the DCMS family as a teacher, I had the privilege of teaching kids who had transitioned from our middle school. The difference in attitude, work ethics and general mannerism was always quite noticeable, hence I knew that this would be the right fit for my own daughter. She recently completed her three years at DCMS and walked away with not only excellent BJC grades, but also with her scuba certification. This along with the wealth of experience she has garnered throughout her time at DCMS, aided her successful transition to boarding school in the USA, where the skills she has learned here continue to serve her well.

Liz Ranmarine

DCMS Teacher, Current Parent


Health and Wellness

Wellness is an integral part of the curriculum and culture of DCMS. Not only does wellness strengthen students’ social-emotional and physical health and well-being, it also strengthens their academic achievement. Thus, wellness activities are woven throughout the school day.

Learn more about the importance of health and wellness at DCMS.


Every three weeks one student from each grade level, who exemplifies DCMS’ core values, are selected to serve the role of Cacique. As Cacique, students take on responsibilities such as leading Monday and Friday morning circles, serving as guides for visitors, and more.