Co-Curricular Programs
Uniquely DCMS
The co-curricular part of our academic program is unique to Deep Creek Middle School. These courses and programs are specially designed to provide students with opportunities to practice the DCMS core values of leadership, academic growth, and responsible citizenship in authentic, place-based learning environments.
Scuba — With PADI Certification
In 9th grade, students at DCMS work towards a PADI certification through open water SCUBA diving. Students learn to dive safely through a combination of classroom lessons, contained water skills instruction, and open water dives. PADI certified instructors from The Island School lead weekly dives that teach basic diving skills, expose students to the local marine environment, and build teamwork and perseverance. Underwater graduation takes place at the completion of the course!
School Without Walls
School Without Walls enables DCMS students to get outside and learn about their environment through several uninterrupted and ongoing periods of inquiry. The School Without Walls program is divided into three separate one-week sessions, spread throughout the academic year. It is a focused time of experiential education and exploration of Eleuthera, as we collaborate with educators, students and researchers from The Island School and Cape Eleuthera Institute, and other organizations on Eleuthera. Extended time outside of the classroom focuses on the marine world, research, and student advocacy. Students share and celebrate their learning with the larger community through an evening of Presentations of Learning.
A Commitment to Community Engagement
Each week at DCMS there is a dedicated time for community collaboration. We believe that giving back to one’s community is an important component of leadership and citizen development. Community engagement is delivered through our three clubs and each student is involved in one. Clubs are a time for students to learn about their responsibilities to the greater community on a local and global level, to be agents of change, and to practice becoming compassionate leaders.
Eco-Club: Keeping Things Green
The Eco-Club is an extracurricular organization dedicated to making DCMS more environmentally friendly. The group has engaged in many environmental projects, such as: experimenting with systems for food waste; creating a healthy snacks garden; changing all incandescent light bulbs to CFLs; initiating a school-wide recycling system to handle aluminum, plastic, and paper waste; and more. Their motto is: DCMS can be green if we work as a team.
EarlyAct Club: Developing Responsible Citizens
The EarlyAct Club is made up of students who believe in putting service above self. This organization is a junior arm of the Rotaract Club and collaborates closely with The Rotaract Club of Eleuthera. The students are committed to developing citizenship and leadership qualities by identifying and taking responsibilities for real-life problems within their school, local, and global communities.
Wellness Club: Inspiring Healthy Lives
The Wellness Club focuses on the wellness needs of our community, by generating innovative wellness ideas, planning events, modeling a healthy lifestyle, and engaging in community outreach. Club members also learn practical health and wellness skills, which may include learning how to make healthy meals and snacks, fun ways to exercise, strategies for coping with stress, first aid skills, and how to help those in need in our community.

Skills for Success
The skills curriculum covers a wide range of subjects to support the middle school child’s developmental success as students, young adults, and future leaders. The skills program is focused on grade 7 students and covers study skills, computer literacy, and community building. Leadership, communication, conflict management and decision-making skills are also introduced and practiced throughout the DCMS program.
The Island School Stories
My all time favorite memory at DCMS was in grade 7 when we had our own ‘coral babies’ and planted them on a nearby reef. And I’m most proud of my Scuba Certification — it was a long and tiring process, but in the end, it was worth it.