Health & Wellness
Life Skills for a Happy, Healthy Life
At DCMS we understand that school is more than just academics. The student is developed and supported in a holistic way. Health classes for grade 7 and 8 focus on a variety of topics and life skills to equip students for success in their lives. We consider their social, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health along the way. Health Science classes extend that learning and prepare them for the BJC exam.
On Course to Lifelong Health
Our Health and Wellness course teaches the importance of all-around good health, providing students with knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their physical, social, spiritual, environmental, and emotional health as they mature. The course helps students learn how to use critical thinking to become problem solvers and lifelong learners. Our goal is to prepare students with the skills to live healthy and happy lives.
In Grade 7, we touch on nutrition and fitness, values, puberty, sexual health, and human sexuality. In Grade 8, we cover communication, love and relationships, diversity, drugs and alcohol and many more topics. Grade 9 focuses on human anatomy and physiology in preparation for the BJC exam.
A Favorite DCMS Classroom: The Water
Students engage in P.E. and swimming classes each week. Swimming is not a part of traditional education in The Bahamas, and as a result, many children are unable to swim or afraid to enter the water when they come to DCMS. Our swim classes empower students with this important lifelong skill.
Through a collaboration with the Eleuthera Sailing Academy, we also offer sailing as part of the DCMS curriculum, allowing students to learn introductory boat-handling skills and build confidence on the water.
Through our swim classes, sailing lessons, SCUBA certification program, and many snorkeling opportunities, students develop strong swimming and water safety skills, thereby opening up a whole new world for themselves.