Student Opportunities
Building Bridges and Skills
Deep Creek Middle School has a number of partnerships with summer camps in The Bahamas, the United States, and Canada. This opportunity allows students to act as ambassadors for DCMS, meet people from all over the world, and sometimes travel internationally.
Summer camp provides campers opportunities to try many new activities such as canoeing, rock climbing, hiking, various sports, and creative arts and crafts. Past summer camps have included: Camp Kiniya, Camp Dudley, Camp Deerwood, Surf Camp Bahamas, Camp Betsey Cox, and Camp Queen Elizabeth.
We support interested students in all grade levels with applications to Summer Camp, including applying for scholarship assistance where needed.
If you have questions about summer camp programs, please contact us.
Summer Camp
Deep Creek Middle School has a number of partnerships with summer camps in The Bahamas, the United States, and Canada. This opportunity allows students to act as ambassadors for DCMS, meet people from all over the world, and travel internationally. Students in all grades can apply for scholarships to summer camp.
Boarding School
Students in grade nine may consider attending the local high school or applying for boarding schools in the United States and Canada. Families interested in sending a child abroad for high school are provided guidance and support through the rigorous application process, standardized testing, and financial aid applications. Boarding School is a selective process and students must meet the requirements for application to international boarding schools. Scores of DCMS alumni have attended highly competitive boarding schools abroad, and have received generous scholarships.