Elementary Learning Center FAQs
We’d like to tell you more about the Elementary Learning Center. If you have any questions, our team is here to answer all of them.
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the ELC.
How do we apply to the ELC?
Applications are available on January 1 each year and enrollment is on a rolling basis once internal needs are assessed. Please see the admission details on our admission page for more information.
How do you ensure students are getting the appropriate academic skills they need to succeed?
Student assessment includes a combination of formal and informal activities and assignments to demonstrate growth and development of age-appropriate learning outcomes. Parents are provided with regular updates on their student’s progress.
Can my child attend the ELC if I do not work at The Island School?
Yes. Your child can attend the ELC if you do not work at The Island School. We have limited spots available each year for community members once our staff needs are determined. Applications are available on January 1 each year and enrollment is on a rolling basis once we assess available space, usually late spring.
If my child attends the ELC, can they go to the Deep Creek Middle School?
Each of our schools has its own admission process. Students can attend the ELC and graduate to attend the Deep Creek Middle School, but they would need to apply and be accepted to each school separately.