Developing Curious and Inquiring Minds
At the Elementary Learning Center, teachers use an inquiry-based approach to actively engage students in purposeful, meaningful learning, which contributes to developing deep understanding and critical thinking.
Daily activities include structured and unstructured times for exploration. During literacy, students build reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Hands-on mathematics studies utilize our place-based environment, where students can apply their learning. Project-based learning in our outdoor environment utilizes an interdisciplinary approach by combining science, social studies, literacy, math and art to enhance students’ understanding of topics.
Students are actively involved in the entire learning process as individuals and by working collaboratively. Teachers use students’ interests and curiosities to guide the creation of the units of inquiry and to facilitate the inquiry process of questioning, exploration, research, and presentation of their learning and reflection.
Meeting Challenges, Growing Confident Learners
As students grow in their learning capacity, they strive to achieve progressively more challenging learning goals with the appropriate support and guidance of teachers. The scope and sequence of academic learning objectives is based on the Common Core standards with the integration of social-emotional skills and a continued emphasis on place-based education.

The Wonder of Experiential, Place-Based Learning
Learning experiences happen within the classroom and beyond, with students interacting with educators and scientists at The Island School and Cape Eleuthera Institute. Many of the learning experiences also allow students the opportunity to collaborate with classmates of varying ages to explore the natural environment of Eleuthera. Other learning will occur with students grouped by age or developmental ability to better meet the unique needs of each individual.
As part of the wider community of The Island School, the ELC benefits from unique learning experiences with the opportunity to explore all areas of campus. By taking the classroom outdoors, our daily adventures and exploration takes us to many locations on campus. Some examples include: our campus farm, boathouse, Cape Eleuthera Institute, beach, ocean, mangroves, and forest.

An Education of the Whole Child
An ELC school day includes activities for the exploration of art, music, imaginative play, nature, literacy, math, science, and social studies. Learning continues as children are encouraged to take care of themselves, others, and the world around them by eating healthy meals, creating friendships, helping around campus, and learning sustainable practices.
The ELC is a full educational experience that provides for the development of academic skills, life skills, gross and fine motor skills, and the emotional, social, physical, and intellectual growth of each student. It is, unlike any other, a whole education for the whole child.