
On Tuesday morning, CEI had an exciting visit from a local South Eleuthera primary school, Wemyss Bight Primary. Mrs. Paul’s grade 4 class came for a morning field trip as a way to supplement their curriculum on the topics of ocean resources, ocean pollution, and ocean movement (tides & currents). While visiting our campus, they explored the various sustainable systems including the farm, orchard, biodiesel lab, resource center and the wet lab.

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The wetlab proved to be one of the most exciting spots on campus, as this group of 10 year olds was able to see juvenile lemon sharks, yellow stingrays, checkered pufferfish and the freshwater tilapia found in our aquaponics system. This gave them a taste of some of the current research projects at Cape Eleuthera Institute and the valuable marine resources found here in the Bahamas. Later, after checking out the biodiesel lab, they stopped by the resource center where they pondered the question of “what does it mean to ‘throw something way?’ Here they discussed why it is important to reduce your use of certain things, such as plastics, and why these resources neither belong on the ground, nor in the ocean. The trip ended on the beach with a group simulation of the moons effect on the tides.