9 expeditions, 92 volunteers, 115 turtles, and 145 Baited Remote Underwater Video Surveys – just a taste of the successful year the Earthwatch-funded sea turtle research program had in 2014!
This is the first year of study that Earthwatch has supported the sea turtle research program at CEI and 92 Earthwatch volunteers travelled to Eleuthera to assist with fieldwork between February and November this year. The age range was 15 – 80 years old and over the course of nine days volunteers helped conduct sea turtle abundance surveys, deploy and analyse baited video surveys to look at shark abundance and diversity, and hand capture turtles – plus they got to have some fun snorkelling and touring around Eleuthera!

Thank you to all the volunteers, interns, Research Assistants and staff at CEI, as well as the Family Island Research and Education team, for their contributions this year – we’re looking forward to another busy and successful year in 2015!
For more information see: http://earthwatch.org/expeditions/tracking-sea-turtles-in-the-bahamas