
Last Saturday, May 18, Island School and Deep Creek Middle School students put together a cancer plastic awareness night. This picture shows the Deep Creek student leaders and their teachers that helped coordinate the event.

From left to right we have Kristal, Shawnea, Breanna, and Mr. Simmons. The night was a big success and raised money to help the cause.


This picture shows the students in the plastic awareness group presenting their project. They are from left to right: Tyrin, Matt, Peter C, Kylisa, Jack, and Garric. They presented their project and showed the harmful effects of plastic on both people and the world. Both the cancer group and the plastic group prepared amazing videos to demonstrate the goals of their project. Excellent work by both groups! At the event, a table was set up to sell plastic jewelry made by the students and collect donations for The Cancer Society.


From left to right we have Keniesha, Travona,Tyrin, Demetria, and Zyria in the back row and Dashae up front. The night was a huge success for both groups and the students have loved working on the projects together.

Written by: Michael M and Shaquille