
This summer, we’re excited to welcome back an incredible group of Island School alumni who have dove into their new roles head first, wanting to give back to the community that helped shape their lives. Each of these individuals carries with them unique stories, deep-rooted connections, and a shared passion for the principles that define The Island School. 

As they reconnect with familiar places and faces, they reflect on their journeys, celebrating The Island School’s impact on their personal and professional lives. 

Meet our on-campus alumni as we explore their stories and the lasting legacy of a community that inspires individuality, curiosity, and a profound appreciation for the world around us.

Lilli Ward F19 | Communications Intern


Lilli Ward returns as a Communications Intern, a rising senior at Wake Forest University majoring in Communication, with minors in Environmental Studies and Entrepreneurship. She sought this internship at The Island School to reconnect with a place that instilled in her a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the world. Lilli reflects, “I learned so much about myself here and developed a strong gratitude for life. Over the past few years, I felt like I was drifting away from the Island School principles that once grounded me. Being back has been emotional, as memories of friends and experiences from five years ago come flooding back.”

Returning as a Communications Intern has been an invaluable experience, allowing Lilli to develop new technical skills in the field. She acknowledges that college life often puts pressure on students to conform, while The Island School encourages individuality and embraces non-traditional paths.

Leighton Graham S18 | Shark Research Assistant

Leighton Graham graduated from Colorado College in 2023 and has been working at The Island School since the fall of 2023. He is currently a Shark Research Assistant for the Cape Eleuthera Institute, where he is able to blend his passion for The Island School’s environmental and marine sciences. Leighton says, “Every day is nostalgic,” reminding him of his days here as an Island School student. He is grateful to work as a Research Assistant because it provides a different perspective of The Island School.

Matt Chui ST16 | Tourism and Development Summer Mentor 

Matt Chui is from Brooklyn, New York, and graduated from Tufts University in 2022. He worked in the music agency world at Wasserman Music for about two years. Matt wanted to return to The Island School and give back by teaching students at a place that taught him invaluable lessons that left such a lasting impact. Matt returns searching for a change of pace from the busy city life and looks forward to returning to the city with a new perspective, tapping back into The Island School’s principles.

Andrew Treat (Treat) S17 | Marine Ecology Teacher 

Andrew Treat graduated from Bowdoin College with a degree in Earth and Oceanographic Science. Treat is currently a Marine Ecology Teacher for The Island School’s Summer Term. Andrew reflects, “The school is constantly changing and adapting to new generations of students. But I am grateful that the three pillars of this school are unchanged and that the core of The Island School’s beliefs has stayed the same. It’s still hard, pushes kids outside of what they think they’re capable of, and connects them to the ocean in a unique way.” This summer marks a year of working at The Island School for Andrew, and he is grateful to be a part of such a pivotal time in the students’ lives.

Emma Carter ST21| Summer Mentor Intern

Emma Carter is a rising junior at the University of Miami studying Psychology and Human Development. Emma was inspired to return because of her passion for The Island School experience, which was life-changing for her. As she reflects on her time as a student, there are small things here and there that differ, but The Island School’s heart is constant and never changing. Emma reflects, “I love when I get a glimpse of that amazing Island School spirit I fell in love with as a student as we run to touch the flagpole through a cheering tunnel of students after a run-swim or sing with my advisory during Dish Crew.”

Andrew Huffman (Huff) F18 | Sustainable Systems Mentor

Andrew (Huff) is entering his final year at the University of Chicago pursuing a degree in Environmental Science and minoring in Anthropology. Huff worked here last summer as an intern and returned this summer as a mentor. Eager to return, Huff believes in the Island School’s mission and aims to guide future students through their experiences. Being back on campus feels familiar and rewarding. This summer has reinforced the value of teamwork, influencing Huff’s future career goals to prioritize working with dedicated colleagues who share a common mission.

Emma Rohrer S19 | Tourism and Development Mentor

Emma is a rising senior at the University of Southern California majoring in environmental studies. She is a scientific diver for USC; a passion ignited during her time as an Island School student. Emma mentors the Tourism and Development course, leading Down Island Trips every week. Emma expresses, “I have found myself reflecting on my time here while simultaneously embracing everything that comes with providing a meaningful experience for students. Working with students as a summer mentor has ignited a true passion to continue in education and sustainability.” After her time as a student, The Island School profoundly impacted her life, and she is incredibly grateful for the opportunity to give back.

Sophie Bekins S21 | Sustainable Systems Mentor and AMX Leader

Sophie is a rising senior at Washington University majoring in Environmental Analysis and Anthropology with a minor in Applied Microeconomics. Sophie runs cross country and track and field at Washington University, aiding her drive as an AMX leader. Not only is she a strong athlete, but she also works virtually in a lab to conduct species abundance and density in the Congo Rainforest. Sophie hopes to be a teacher one day, and returning to the Island school is the perfect place to pursue her passion. Sophie expands, “I have learned so much about teaching and how to guide students through this job. I love how the Island School has a strong focus on inspiring leadership, and I’ve learned how to create leadership roles for students.”

Dara Balter ST19 | Marine Ecology Summer Mentor

Dara is a rising senior at Eckerd College majoring in Marine Biology. She attended The Island School in 2019 in an accelerated Summer Term program. Although her program was shorter, The Island School still impacted her in many ways. Dara’s passion for marine biology was solidified by her experience here as a student. She returned to her passion this summer and became a Marine Ecology Summer Mentor. As someone who loves all things ocean-related and The Island School, spending her summer here seemed like the perfect fit. 

Ellie Thorson ST19 | Sustainable Agriculture Research Intern

Ellie Thorson is a rising senior at St. Andrews in Scotland,  pursuing an undergraduate degree in Sustainable Development and Business Management. Following her passion for sustainability and special interest in sustainable agriculture, she found that returning to The Island School as a Sustainable Agriculture Research Intern with the Cape Eleuthera Institute was a perfect match. Since being on campus, Ellie notes, “Being back on campus has felt like returning home. It’s exciting to be on the other side of things and to gain a deeper understanding of the operations of The Island School.” She believes that her time here this summer has been and will continue to be as equally impactful as when she was a student, providing her with crucial skills for the sustainability field. 

Alyssa Ruiz ST21 | Summer Mentor Intern

Alyssa is serving as a Summer Mentor Intern, supporting the Marine Ecology and Sustainable Systems groups while assisting the Tourism and Development team. She can do it all! She is a rising junior at Claremont McKenna College, studying Economics and Engineering, where she works at the Roberts Environmental Center, a research institute centered around environmentalism and sustainability. Alyssa is filled with gratitude and notes, “The Island School community is truly unique, and I have loved getting to know the intelligent, interesting, and kind members of this community, whether fellow interns, mentors, faculty, or students. Every day, as I walk around this campus, I feel immense gratitude and appreciation for this special campus on the Cape.” She has enjoyed feeling like an Island School student again as she continues to learn new things about how our campus functions to be more sustainable and the interesting work of our various research teams.

As these alumni immerse themselves in the unique life of The Island School once again, their contributions not only enrich the current community but also reinforce the enduring values that define this special place. Each interaction, lesson, and shared experience serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative journeys that begin here. Through their passion and dedication, these alumni inspire a new generation to embrace the three pillars of The Island School: sense of place, sustainability, and community, ensuring that the spirit of The Island School continues to thrive for years to come.