The Apprentice Program

Empowering Young People for Work

The Apprentice Program is a paid six-week summer program that offers young Bahamians in South Eleuthera with an opportunity to work closely with Island School staff, gaining work experience, mentorship in a specific trade/field, and exposure to The Island School philosophy and values.

Through weekly career training, young people are empowered and become aware of opportunities for employment. Apprentices partake in a professional development workshop every week covering the following content:

  • Successful work behaviors
  • Verbal and nonverbal communication
  • Professionalism: resumes and applications
  • Coaching and interview practice
  • Financial management introduction
  • Conflict resolution

By the end of the apprenticeship, young people will come away with:

  • Work experience
  • Understanding of job-related expectations
  • An adult who can serve as a reference and vouch for work behaviors
  • A clear statement about what they learned during the work experience
  • A plan for how talents and experience apply to a new job opportunity
  • An updated resume

Register & Apply

Applications for the Apprentice Program open each spring for a short window of time. Contact us to be notified for open registration.