
Education, Research and Innovation at The Island School

Read on for program highlights, research results, all-star alumni, sustainable living ideas, and more.


Name: Olivia Gell Where are you from? New York Where were you before this? I was studying at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania What brought you to The…

The End of an Era

Aug 12, 2011

Yesterday marked an end of an era at The Island School with the departure of the one and only David Miller.  David came to The Island School three years ago…

Diving In

Sep 17, 2010

If you distill all the rules and protocols of scuba diving, there is one fundamental principle: breathe. Perhaps this seems redundant. On land, the physiological process of taking air into…

Free-diving with a Loggerhead

Jun 2, 2010

I wrote this when we got back from an early morning free-dive last Wednesday. A rare pleasure. “This morning I dived with a loggerhead. The turtle was missing a chunk…

What is Education for?

Mar 11, 2010

“The truth is that many things on which our future health and prosperity depend are in dire jeapordy: climate stability, the resilience and productivity of natural sustems, the beauty of…

Learning Underwater…

Mar 10, 2010

[flickr video= show_info=no] Students breathing bubbles at Tunnel Rock