Earlier this April, CEI was fortunate enough to have a visit from Pete Muñoz of Natural Systems International, which specializes in ecological engineering and biotechnology. Pete’s background includes extensive work on water systems, ranging from storm water run off to catchment methods to waste water treatment; in many respects he is at the forefront of his field in the world. Through working with CEI’s Josh Shultz, Sam Kenworthy, and Geoff Walton, Pete was able to gain a deep understanding for how CEI and Island School collect, use, and treat their water, and how we could improve our current practices. Specifically, Pete and his team at Natural Systems are going to help us to create a new, innovative method to deal with all of CEI’s waste water, as well as adjust our wetland system (“poopoo garden”) at IS to maximize productivity and potential energy generation. Treating our water properly could allow for more food production, fewer energy inputs, and less waste generation. A win on all fronts. Pete and Natural Systems work all over the U.S. and the rest of the world. Chances are they have worked on projects close to you. If you’d like to learn more about what Natural Systems does, check out their website: