
Deep Creek Middle School was chosen from 74 applicants to be one of 30 schools to send delegates to the Plastics are Forever International Youth Summit in Los Angeles, CA in March.  To apply to attend, DCMS’s eco-club submitted a project proposal addressing a concern in their local community; the project they created aims to eliminate plastic Gatorade bottles from their school and community.  Click “read more” to read the steps they plan to take to reach their goal.  Congratulations Deep Creek Middle School!
Hater-Ade Project: – Stop buying plastic Gatorade bottles

1) Eco club will share rise above plastics videos with students at school in community meeting

and lead a discussion about the things they found interesting and what we should do about it

2) We will propose eliminating disposable plastic bottles and a 50c fine

3) We will send home letters to parents about what we are trying to do. We already recycle capri sun pouches and juice cans so they should understand.

4) We will sell gatorade at lunch mixed from the powder Ms Paul orders and served in washable reusable glasses

5) we will count how many bottles we saved from now without doing this until after and then talk about how many animals we probably saved

6) Any teachers or students who bring or buy something in a plastic bottle will get fined 50c (use homeroom lunch leaders to do this) Use the money to buy reusable water bottles for kids who dont have them

7) Share the plastics presentation and our results with Preston H. Albury High School and Deep Creek Primary School in May

8) Share our results with other eco-schools

9) Order school water bottles and make them be bought as part of the uniform next year

10) Ask Ms Sands at the market to order Gatorade in powder form