
This week’s Caciques topped off a busy week by organizing a fun Saturday evening bonfire for everyone to enjoy. Here’s a little more about them.

Arielle Leeman
Where are you from? Bath, Maine
What brought you to Eleuthera? I wanted to challenge myself, put myself out of my comfort zone and not go through the motions of regular school.
What is your favorite dining hall meal? Spaghetti and falafel balls; also the corn bread
Name one thing that not many people know about you: I love to sing, and I play the saxophone.
What is your favorite word? Hakuna Matata
Name one profession you’d like to try: Pediatrician


Ellie Corbett
Where are you from? Brigantine, New Jersey
What brought you to Eleuthera? I want to go into Marine Biology, love the water, and wanted to have an adventure of a lifetime.
What is your favorite dining hall meal? Pancakes with bacon, orange juice and fruit.
Name one thing that not many people know about you: I am obsessed with stuffed grape leaves.
What is your favorite word? “Wha-cha”
Name one profession you’d like to try: Crayon-namer at crayola factory


Douglas Vetter
Where are you from? San Francsico Bay Area
What brought you to Eleuthera? Both of my older siblings attended the Island School and had transformative experiences, so I figured it couldn’t be that bad here.
What is your favorite dining hall meal? Pancakes
Name one thing that not many people know about you: I am partially colorblind
What is your favorite word? Loquacious
Name one profession you’d like to try: Actor


JJ L’Archevesque
Where are you from? Massachusetts/Rhode Island
What brought you to Eleuthera? Island time
What is your favorite dining hall meal? Pancakes and apple crisp
Name one thing that not many people know about you: JJ comes from Jonathan Jay
What is your favorite word? Yup
Name one profession you’d like to try: Genius


Noelle Henderson
Where are you from? Boston
What brought you to Eleuthera? Feeling too comfortable at home, and the sharks!
What is your favorite dining hall meal? Breakfast is my favorite when we have cheese omelets.
Name one thing that not many people know about you: I only eat yogurt with forks.
What is your favorite word? Loquacious (didn’t copy Douglas- it was a coincidence!)
Name one profession you’d like to try: National Geographic Photographer