
Alex Weber, Ellie Felderman, LIZ, Sibley Dickinson, Troy Dillon, and Luke Weinstein

Alex Weber, Ellie Felderman, LIZ, Sibley Dickinson, Troy Dillon, and Luke Weinstein

From the beginning, advisory was the foundation of our Island School experience. It give us a group of people to count on and rely on. Our first night, we had dinner with our advisor group, and our first morning, we went snorkeling off Boys’ Dorm Beach together. A few days in, we went on a bike tour outside of campus. It opened our eyes to the amount of exploration and freedom we could have, as well as bonding our group in those first days. Our extended advisory, which includes staff and interns around the Cape Eleuthera Island School, allows us to meet people outside of our typical Island School teachers and students. The Island School World Cup is coming up on Thursday, and Liz’s advisory is prepared. Representing Sparta as our country, our advisory is planning on taking home the gold.

Advisory time is a time where we can all feel close to home, even though we might be far away. In past advisory times, we’ve visited blue holes, baked brownies, drank coffee, jumped off High Rock, and had dinner together like a night out as a family. It means different things to each of us, which is one of the things that makes it so special.

“Advisory time is really the only time I’ve experienced true adventure. There’s nothing like traveling in a van with some of your favorite people, music blasting, and not worrying about anything. We often don’t really know where we’re going but we’re just happy to be ecstatic to be exploring.” – Troy Dillon

“For me, our advisory is a home away from our normal homes, a family away from our blood family. When we get together, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing or where we’re going, it’s just special that we’re out in the world together. Our advisory is always something I can count on, filled with people I can turn to who I love spending time with.” – Ellie Felderman

Was is coincidence? On purpose? You'll never know...

Was is coincidence? On purpose? You’ll never know…

“To me, our advisory is a little family. While we may not all be best friends outside of it, when we come together once a week its a time to relax, talk, and adventure. Our advisory gets to travel to places that we would not get to go alone, and together we get to experience the island in a different way. Each day we spend together is filled with huge smiles, laughter, and endless exploration.”  – Alex Weber

“For me, advisory is like a family away from home. We get a chance to have fun and support each other whether it is during advisory time going out to eat or swim or in class or on exploration time. Having an extended advisory is great because we get to form relationshipswith people we don’t typically see every day.” – Sibley Dickinson

“Advisory provides 53 students, hundreds of miles from home, with a sense of familiarity. Each member of the advisory obtains an intimate connection and we constantly check on each other. At the Island School we are taught about the true meaning of community and this group serves as a more personalized projection of that all encompassing group. During our advisor dinners and afternoons, the thirst for family time and relaxation is quenched, and laughs are shared.” – Luke Weinstein

Liz's advisory - including extended advisory members!

Liz’s advisory – including extended advisory members!