
Education, Research and Innovation at The Island School

Read on for program highlights, research results, all-star alumni, sustainable living ideas, and more.

Research responds to fisher questions about the stone crab fishery to ensure sustainability 

In the last few decades, the Bahamian stone crab fishery has grown into an emerging commercial fishery.  With exports of stone crabs claws valued over an estimated $3 million, it is now…

Isopod discovered in Exuma Sound

New Species Discovered in the Exuma Sound

A team of scientists from the Cape Eleuthera Institute, Stony Brook University, and OceanX discover a new species of deep-sea isopod during a research mission in The Bahamas.

2022 Hurricane Forecast for The Bahamas

June marks the official start of hurricane season in the tropical North Atlantic and hurricane forecasters are predicting above-average activity in the North Atlantic Basin this year. Current predictions call…